Sunday, February 8, 2009


Pursuing happiness as a member of a free society involves risks. Having the freedom to make these kinds of choices is a good thing. Being denied your rights to this freedom is a bad thing. A very bad thing.

The claim that mandatory helmet use is not a freedom issue because "Society" bears the cost of injured Motorcyclists is an argument that could be applied to just about any activity one might want to pursue. This is the kind of logic that Communist Countries use to enslave their Citizens.

In fact, 3 times more Pedestrians die in America (a large percentage involve head injuries) than die in motorcycle accidents. I don't see Government promoting mandatory helmet use for Pedestrians although I have no doubt that they will get around to it eventually. As you are probably aware, there is a move afoot to force Skiers to wear helmets based on a tiny, yet high profile number of accidents and fatalities encountered in that sport. To put this in a context that everyone can relate to: the majority of automobile fatalities involve head injuries. Interestingly, it is illegal to operate a motor vehicle (car or truck) in Oregon while wearing a motorcycle helmet.

Using NHTSA's own figures, tens of thousands of lives would be saved each year if Motorists were forced by the Government to wear helmets. Is a mandatory helmet law for all Motorists and automobile passengers legislation that you would vote for?

The U.S. Constitution guarantees Americans the rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. It does not guarantee or promote the pursuit of these things provided that they are performed under Government mandated safety constraints. There is nothing in the Constitution saying that it is Government's job to force Citizens to adhere to safety edicts against their will. In fact, the Constitution is pretty clear that our Founding Fathers expected Government to refrain from interfering with our personal liberties.

bib.jpg (2690 bytes)Almost every activity in life involves risk. And what a boring life it would be if we all walked around with helmets, safety shoes and a Michelin Man style outer wrapping. Forcing Adult Americans to wear a piece of so-called "safety" equipment against their will is anti-American and is certainly not the kind of role that our founding Fathers had in mind for Government when the United States was created.

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